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Female, 36 years, born on 4 December 1988

Germany, willing to relocate (Budyonnovsk, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Mineralnye Vody, Moscow, Perm Krai, Pyatigorsk, Saint Petersburg, Stavropol), prepared for business trips

Project executive assistant

3 000  in hand

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day

Work experience 14 years 1 month

September 2015currently
9 years 7 months
Cage Quests GmbH

Germany, cagequests.de

Public Services... Show more

Executive assistant
- Strategy management - running the business on a day-to-day basis - Subsidiary management - full responsibility over the operational business in 2 locations, up to 10 subordinates - Marketing and promotion of the entire network of escape-rooms (2 cities in Baden-Württemberg, Germany) - Launch of new locations - alignment of plans and drawings with erection engineers, negotiating the thechnical details of the play zones, recruiting and training of personnell, mentoring and developing successors - Supporting the process of obtaining work permit for Russian Citizens in the EU (in Germany) from applying for an entry visa up to relocation and accomodating the new-comer in Germany - Quality control and complaints management, technical improvement of the stories and quizes - Development of scrypts - alignment of the stories to the local market and environment, update and improvement of the scrypts according to the outcome of the tests - Market research - monitoring the market development in Germany and Russia, informing about the latest world-trends in the escape-room industry - Sales management planning and reporting the revenues of both locations - Public relations - preparing press releases, cooperation with local mass media, increasing local awareness of the brand and entertainment concept - Social media marketing and online promotion - Development and supervision over the company web-site: desk-top version, mobile version, own order management system
September 2014August 2015
1 year
RusTurboMash LLC, a Siemens AG subsidiary

Perm, rusturbomash.ru

Industrial Equipment, Machine Tools and Components... Show more

Corporate communications manager
Part time along with a full time assignment as CEO Assistant - Copmany's participation in the main exhibitions, conferences and congresses of the oil & gas branch - Issue of marketing materials - Updating the corporate web-site - Preparation of press-releases, publications, interviews in the leading mass media of the branch - Preparation and execution of corporate events and fests - Budgeting marketing and communication plans of the company
January 2013August 2015
2 years 8 months
RusTurboMash LLC, a Siemens AG subsidiary

Perm, rusturbomash.ru

Industrial Equipment, Machine Tools and Components... Show more

Personal assistant to chief executive officer
- Full administrative support (calendar, calls, visitors, meeting preparation) - Meeting preparation, including Board of Directors meetings (adminitrative support, agenda, invitations, ppt materials preparation, taking minutes, translation and interpreting) - Control over the execution of CEO orders and keeping up to the targeted due dates. - Preparation of presentations and analytical reports (both in English and Russian) - Drafting letters and enquires on behalf of CEO - Budgeting the expected costs of administrative department - Full support in executing travel and representative costs reportsof the CEO - Personal requests of the CEO - Welcoming service for foreign business partners and clients (visa support, hotel reservation, transfers, programs of the visits and program of the trips). - Travel-support (hotels, flights, visa formalities - Schengen- business visas to Germany, national working visas for Russian Citizens - Legal requirements to the delegation of foreigners to the Russian Federation: a) Invitations, issued by the Local Federal Migration Office b) work permits c) registration of foreigners at the place of their residence d) receiving working visas for high qualified specialists and members of their family
April 2013November 2013
8 months
RusTurboMash LLC, a Siemens AG subsidiary

Perm, rusturbomash.ru

Industrial Equipment, Machine Tools and Components... Show more

Acting Head of Administrative Department
Part time along with a full time assignment as CEO Assistant 5 direct subordinates: Transport and Site management group, Corporate Communications Specialist, Specialist of Administrative Department-Translator - Control over order execution in administrative areas of business support - Control over execution of marketing and communication plan - Budgeting the costs of the department - Participation in developing quality management system materials, related to the operation of the administrative department - Participating in the internal process audits - Control over achieving the goals and targets, set to the subordinates
March 2011December 2012
1 year 10 months
RusTurboMash LLC, a Siemens AG subsidiary

Perm, rusturbomash.ru

Industrial Equipment, Machine Tools and Components... Show more

Specialist of Administrative Department-Translator
- technical documentation translation in the area of rotation equipment, correspondence, legal documents and minutes of official meetings - business communcation and correspondence in English, German, Russian - Interpreting at presentations and training workshops - booking hotel accomodation and flights - applying for business visas (Schengen), and working national visas for Russian cirizen, coming to Germany - coordination of smooth operation of all support functions in the office - Document flow management, participation in the project of transfer to the E-document flow 1S - managing orders for translation services - managing corporate taxi service and mobile phone service costs In December 2012 was promoted to CEO Assistant.


Skill proficiency levels
Administrative Support
Corporate Communications
MS PowerPoint
Preparing Board Meetings
Preparing Presentations
Travel Support
Visa Support
Административная поддержка руководителя
Аналитический склад ума
Визовая поддержка
Организация деловых поездок
Организация мероприятий
Письменный перевод
Подготовка заседаний совета директоров
Подготовка презентаций
Устный перевод
Организация встреч
Административная поддержка иностранного сотрудника
Организация работы приемной
Планирование рабочего дня руководителя
Контроль исполнения решений
Start-up project
Project management
Strategic Marketing
Time management
Team management
B2C Marketing
Marketing Communication
Marketing Events

Driving experience

Driver's license category B

About me

- Communication skills good communication skills gained through my experience as front desk of the whole company good communication skills in multi-cultural setting gained through international internship and performing project roles in company-wide projects - Managerial / organisational skills execute with excellence (take full accountability for completing tasks as per expectations, focus on tasks and avoid distractions, measure my own performance against results achieved) - Job-related skills reliable, respobsible, proacive, open, committed to the job, goal-oriented, stress resistant, eager to work hard in order to develop myself in a professional way and achieve the traget, good at multitasking and proiritising, creative and sensitive personality, can interact with the superior on remote basis, experienced in working with expats, eager to be on call 24/7 Literate in oral and whritten English, German and Russian, polite and well mannered, aquainted with the norms of business ethics and intercultural communication; Digital competence: MS Outlook, MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint Online-Marleting Tools: Google Adwords, Google Analytics, Promotion in Facebook, Instagram, YouTube Honours and awards: Breakthrough of the year (2012) - Russian Turbo Machinery Grant for summer language student camp in German University (2010) - DAAD Honoured Student of Perm City (2008-2009) - City Administration Hobbies: playing the guitar, singing, fitness, swimming, skating, travelling and learning new cultures and languages Driving licence В since 2009

Higher education

Translation and Interpreting Department, foreign languages - English and German, Diploma - graduated with honours, specialist field - Russian as a foreign language



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

GermanC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

Effective Personal Assistant
Центр развития деловых навыков "CBSD, Thunderbird Russia", Москва, Эффективная работа ассистента
1 С Документооборот 8
ООО "Автоматизация учета-информ", Пермь, Возможности прикладного решения 1С:Документооборот 8 для огранизации электронного документооборота. Редакция 1.2
Sommerkurs für interkulturelle Kommunikation - Летние языковые курсы "межкультурная коммуникация"
Bayreuther Universität - Университет г. Байройт (Бавария), Германия, межкультурная коммуникация, подтверждение владения немецким языком - B2
Business English Correspondence - distance learning
Johnson County Community Colledge (Overland Park, Kanzas) USA, Деловая корреспонденция (англ. язык)

Tests, examinations

Qualifikation Online-Marketing-Grundlagen
Google Zukunftswerkstatt
Security City: Bringing Information Security to Life
Siemens AG, web-based training, информационная безопасность
Data Privacy Training International
Siemens AG, web-based training, защита персональных данных
Zero Harm Culture @ Energy for Employees
Siemens AG, web-based training, охрана труда и промышленной безопасности
SECURE:throughout the day, Episode 1,2,3
Siemens AG, web-based training, Информационная безопасность
Your signature-your responsibility
Siemens AG, on-line certificate, менеджмент,ответственность за подписание документов от имени компании
Information Security
Siemens AG, on-line certificate, информационная безопасность
Using social media with confidence
Siemens AG, web-based training, информационная безопасность
Social Engineering
Siemens AG, on-line certificate, информационная безопасность
OnDaF (On-line Deutsch als Fremdsprache)
Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD) на базе Уральского государственного университета, немецкий язык (В1)

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Germany, Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter